Effective cooperation of the government, citizens and business based on a dialogue

State human-centered functions and services

The project is included in the list of initiatives for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.10.2021 No. 2816-r

A large-scale transformation of the performance of state functions and the provision of services by 2030

About the Project
A Customer-Centric state is a state which functions and services are organized in a way convenient for each person, they allow to fulfill the needs of any individual (a citizen, a businessman, a civil or a municipal servant) effectively and are constantly being improved based on the analysis of customer experience

«Federal project "Government for the People" is a new culture of interaction between the government, citizens and business designed to make human–state interaction as simple and convenient as possible...»

Mikhail Vladimirovich Mishustin

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

«A customer–centric government is a solution to human problems without personal participation»

Dmitry Yurievich Grigorenko

Supervisor of the Federal project, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation – Chief of Staff of the Government Executive Office

The bureaucracy does not work anymore

The interaction between the government and the individual is changing. The focus is shifting from regulations and "paper work" to human interests.

Many procedures are globally outdated, not needed or require optimization, others can be automated and take place "behind the scenes" not involving citizens in the "paper process" and "going through the instances".

Civil servant

If an applicant made a mistake, then it's not my problem, let him/her start over.

The applicant is not to blame for making a mistake. Most likely, the form which needs to be filled out is rather complicated. The task is to explain and help him/her figure it out

This way is more convenient for me, so the process will be organized exactly this way. Anyone can understand the sequence of actions

Which process logic is more convenient for different users? Is it clear what needs to be done

Citizens and business representatives

I have to do a number of formal procedures, because the state needs it.

The process of receiving a service is completely simplified and convenient for a person.

What services should I apply for in a specific life situation, in what sequence and where shall I do it?

The events/circumstances of a person's life determine the set of services and the place where they can be received, but not vice versa.

Mission of the Project
To ensure a decent life for people, as well as peace and confidence in any life situation, helping each person to solve their tasks and providing invisible support when it is needed.

The Government hears people and changes

A customer - centric state

Dialogue with the state

Open information and friendly counselling, attentiveness and sensitivity, interest in solving issues and tasks of citizens and businesses

Simplicity and convenience

A person quickly and easily finds the right service. The process is fully automated

Unity and integrity

Government agencies act as a single well-coordinated team, internal processes and work rules are synchronized, services are provided holistically, quickly and simply


Comprehensive training programmes are implemented to train employees of executive authorities at the federal and regional levels

The Government hears people and changes

An egocentric state

Detachment of the state

Indifference to solving a problem, unfriendly and arrogant attitude from of the government towards citizens and business

Low awareness

Citizens do not understand the procedure for providing services and the processes behind it

Inconsistency of processes

The system works as separate links – the services are not synchronized: appointment is done in one system, and the other does not "see" it, a web - site shows different information.


Lack of motivation and tools for the development and improvement of processes and services of government employees

The Government hears people and changes

Detachment of the state

Indifference to solving a problem, unfriendly and arrogant attitude from of the government towards citizens and business

Low awareness

Citizens do not understand the procedure for providing services and the processes behind it

Inconsistency of processes

The system works as separate links – the services are not synchronized: appointment is done in one system, and the other does not "see" it, a web - site shows different information.


Lack of motivation and tools for the development and improvement of processes and services of government employees

Dialogue with the state

Open information and friendly counselling, attentiveness and sensitivity, interest in solving issues and tasks of citizens and businesses

Simplicity and convenience

A person quickly and easily finds the right service. The process is fully automated

Unity and integrity

Government agencies act as a single well-coordinated team, internal processes and work rules are synchronized, services are provided holistically, quickly and simply


Comprehensive training programmes are implemented to train employees of executive authorities at the federal and regional levels

Values and principles under implementation

Efficiency and convenience

  • To solve human tasks, but not to perform duties formally

  • Find and use the simplest and most convenient way to solve a problem

Unity and integrity

  • To act as a single team to solve problems of a person

  • Eliminate interagency duplications and contradictions

Equal access

  • Take into account the characteristics of each person and eliminate barriers

  • To adapt functions and services to human needs

Quality improvement and proactivity

  • Act proactively, improving the quality of services and eliminating errors

  • To test and innovate, to experiment

Fairness and impartiality

  • Make decisions based on reliable data

  • Follow consistency in decision-making process and actions

Openness and transparency

  • Welcome and consider feedback, acknowledge existing problems

  • Provide up-to-date information, explain the decisions made

Mutual trust and safety

  • To fulfill publicly taken responsibilities and honestly report

  • about the achieved results

  • Minimize the need for control and inspections, taking into account risk analysis

  • Guarantee the security of interaction with the state and protection of confidential information (including personal data)

For more information, see the «Declaration of Customer-Centric Values»

Transformation at all levels

The person is in the focus of attention

Formation of empathic, involving and understandable communication between the state and the person, aiming at solving human problems, providing holistic, complete and understandable information in all points of contact

Optimization of public services

Removing outdated and unnecessary ones, building new mutually directed processes, constantly improving public services for automation and seamless integration into everyday human life

Personnel transformation

Synchronization of internal processes and rules of work between departments to provide a holistic service, development and implementation of training activities to help civil servants to understand people and build an effective dialogue with them

Tools to implement customer-centricity

Monitoring of services and feedback
Systematic assessment of the quality of interaction between citizens and businesses with the government, identification of the most problematic services, identification of human needs at all stages of the "client's journey", development and testing of new solutions

Conducting specialized research to identify the features of interaction between the man and government, assess the satisfaction of services and functions:
  • among individuals, legal entities and entrepreneurs
  • among representatives of public authorities and public institutions
  • in the context of individual services/ functions and life situations.
Collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, monitoring the quality of services/functions.
Support for the activities of federal and regional executive authorities in organizing systems to monitor services and receive feedback, conduct an assessment of satisfaction with services/functions.
Client profile and registry of life situations

Identification of the most frequent life situations which happen with citizens, maintaining a corresponding register. The study of the existing process of providing services/functions. Analysis of the client's needs and problems, recommendations to improve client experience and increase satisfaction, on the basis of a developed client profile.

Designing and implementing a target model of life situations to provide the most convenient range of services without unnecessary actions on the part of the client

for 24
priority life situations (LS)
  • 93 customer segment profiles have been formed
  • >350 services have been investigated
  • 26 business processes have been modeled "as is"
  • 24 processes have been designed "to be"
  • 24 clickable prototypes have been designed
road maps
for the implementation of LS have been approved
for 24
have been designed clickable prototypes
are displayed on UPSP
are brought to the digital platform of MSP (small and medium entrepreneurship)
Network of user testing laboratories
Customer experience research, testing of services, design of digital service interfaces, certification of public services, assessment of the compliance level of services with the requirements and standards of customer-centricity and ergonomics in order to increase the level of satisfaction and quality of public services provision, opening of regional laboratories

2 federal

7 regional

user testing laboratories were opened in the period of 2022-2023 and are functioning
on 284 services were conducted
50 (5%)
government services
are certified
667 (70%)
new services
have been evaluated by laboratories
satisfaction level
of new certified services
Standards and culture
Support of departments in order to increase customer-centricity.
Transformation of the interaction between the government and an individual through the introduction of a customer-centric culture. Teaching best practices and implementation tools. Development of customer-centered competencies of a civil servant.

in 60 federal executive bodies

85 subjects of the Russian Federation

"roadmaps" for the introduction of customer-centricity are being implemented
of the services
provided by federal executive bodies have been verified
have roadmaps for optimization approved by the Departments
support measures
have been tested for compliance with the principles and standards of customer-centricity
training programmes
have been implemented
6 000
civil servants
have been trained